ns3-bgp  0.2
BGP module for ns-3.

ns3-bgp is a BGP speaker application for ns-3. It is built on top of libbgp. For simple usage and quick start, refer to examples. For detailed API usages, refer to document.


To install ns3-bgp, first install libbgp 0.6.x. Then navigate to your ns-3 source directory and clone ns3-bgp as bgp in src/ and configure ns3:

$ git clone https://github.com/Nat-Lab/ns3-bgp src/bgp
$ ./waf configure

Log Components

The following log components are avaliable.

API Document

ns3-bgp document is avaliable online at https://lab.nat.moe/ns3bgp-doc/. Examples can be found under examples/ directory.
